معلومات صاحب العمل

Sulaiman Al Rajhi University
Sulaiman Al Rajhi University (SRU) is a one of the leading private sector University of Saudi Arabia which is located at the heart of Al-Qassim Province. SRU is a part of Al-Rajhi group which is a conglomerate in Saudi Arabia and GCC. SRU is a research university with three departments in operation and plan to start other departments in next couple of years. SRU is has international linkage with Maastricht University, Netherland.
SRU is a first university who introduced PBL (Problem Base Learning) methods in Saudi Arabia, in addition university strives to adopt latest method of teaching in order to equip its student with up to date knowledge.
SRU consider talent management is one of the core tasks that’s why it posses staff from wide number of nationalities across the globe.

  إسم الجهة: Sulaiman Al Rajhi University شركة موثّقة
  صفة الشركة: صاحب عمل
  إسم المسئول: Omer
  العنوان: Al-Bukeriya , Al Qassem
  الرمز البريدي: 51941
  المدينة: البكيرية
  المنطقة: منطقة القصيم
  الهاتف: [ بيانات مخفية ]
  الفاكس: [ بيانات مخفية ]
  البريد الالكتروني: recruitment@sr.edu.sa  [ أرسل رسالة خاصة ] 
  موقع الانترنت: http://www.sr.edu.sa
  مسجل منذ: 24/09/2013
  إجمالي الوظائف: 0
  الوظائف المتاحة: 0

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